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Motivate Yourself!

Welcome Back! What is motivation? Motivation is a process that accounts for an individual’s Intensity Direction, and Persistence of Efforts towards attaining a goal, an objective. It is a passion that arises from within and makes you persistently and intensely travel in the right direction till you reach your destination. To motivate yourself , you need: Strength of desire for a particular outcome Strength of belief that you have the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and talent to complete a given task successfully Strength of belief that you will get the reward you desire when the task is completed. This model of motivation thus could be represented as: Strength of desire * Strength of belief in your competence * Guarantee of the reward you desire = Motivation Mark the multiplication signs. They indicate that the motivation will be zero, if any of the three is zero. The most vital ingredient in this three step formula is 'strength in belief in your competence'. To have

You are Unique!

Welcome Back! Stand in front of a mirror. The image you see in the mirror is so unique that there is no one like you. There is no one even looking like you in the universe, and there will never be any. Your looks are God given. However, the real thing that gives you your unique identity is your attitude.  If you believe that you are destined to grow, to succeed, to make your mark, you will work harder and smarter. Your self-esteem will be high . You will feel that you have the ability to succeed in any given task .  If your self-esteem is low, if you do not have a good opinion of yourself, if you believe that what happens to you depends on luck or chance, you will behave in a way that guarantees your failure. If you are high in self-esteem, you will also be high in self-efficacy . Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief that he or she is capable of performing a given task successfully and effectively. If your self-efficacy is high, you will consciously practice self improvement

Be Proactive!

Welcome Back! George Bernard Shaw classified people in 3 different categories: Those who make things happen Those who observe what happens Those who wondered what happened We are in a century where you cannot afford to observe and wonder. You must make things happen. Those who make things happen are called "proactive". They do not react to whatever is happening around. They are not reactive , they are proactive - they make things happen. When you react, you permit others to react to influence your decisions. When you are proactive, you depend on your own skills, knowledge, talent and experience. In the absence of these resources, you cannot be proactive. Remember that you would soon be on your own be ready for it. Some Tips: Take charge of your own destiny. Do not let others shape your destiny. Change before you are forced to. A friend is an answer to your needs. Consciously create a network of friends. Give and take help. Be innovative and creative. Do things differently. P

Find your inner Einstein!

Welcome Back! Every human being has the capacity to be a genius. You don’t have to be obsessed with maths or physics to reach the genius level in your thinking. To achieve the level of creative thinking of a genius, you must commit to using your positive imagination. Some people think about worst-case scenarios all day long. They are full of negativity. All their energy of visualization is channeled in thinking what could go wrong. What they don’t understand is that worry is a misuse of imagination. The human imagination is designed to do better things. The real genius is the one who uses this power of positive imagination. This is one of the qualities of geniuses. Napoleon once said, “Imagination rules the world.“ Ultimately, what you need to learn is the proactive use of your imagination. And once you have mastered that skill, the first task is to begin imagining the vision of what you want to be. When you visualise something that you always wanted to do, your subconscious mind ta

Be Happy!

Welcome Back! Do you know that happy people have lower resting heart rates, reduced fibrinogen (a blood-clotting protein resulting from stress that is associated with cardiovascular disease), and lower systolic blood pressure? Now, think of the times  when you were happy . You had the  urge to go places and do new things . You got  new ideas .  When we’re happy, we’re more likely to apply ourselves diligently and doggedly to a task. On the other hand,  gloom creates a mental structure, which prevents the flow of constructive thoughts . You cannot think about anything properly . You cannot come up with new ideas . You cannot focus/concentrate on something. You will not be inspired to do new things. Be happy! You will control the hard situations instead of them controlling you. You will be able to perform better in anything you do. Some people think that, “How can I be happy with all the worries I have? “. It’s simple. Take it easy . You do not need to be so hard on yourself. You just

Failing Forward!

Welcome Back! All of us fail. As we travel on our path to success, we all hit potholes, take wrong turns, or forget to check the radiator. So the real issue is not whether you’re going to fail. It is about whether you’re going to fail successfully (gaining experience and profiting from failure) or allow failure to send you in a permanent detour. “The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views his/her own mistakes.“ If you want to continue on the success journey, you need to learn to fail forward! Some people are often so afraid of failure and rejection, that they spend their whole lives avoiding risks or decisions that could lead to failure. They don’t realize that s uccess is based on their ability to fail and continue trying. When you have the right attitude, failure is not fatal. In fact, it is a springboard to success. Successful people instead of dwelling on the negative consequences of failure, think of what might have been and how things have

The Magnetic Force of Self-Image!

Welcome Back! How you see yourself in your own eyes determines what you get out of life. Self-image is your own conception of yourself. It is the mental and emotional picture you hold in your own consciousness of who you are and what you represent. Self-image determines your capacity to give, receive and interact with life, experiences and possibilities that come before you. Your self-image is important because it is the starting point of your life experiences. The image you hold of yourself is like a precious vase into which all your life experiences are poured and blended. If your self-image is a small, limited conception of yourself, based on ignorance, fear, doubt and insecurity, then all your experiences will be filtered through these same negative emotions. While, if your self-image is based in knowledge, love, courage, respect, faith and confidence, your life experiences will be filtered through these same positive emotions. Your self-image is like a magnet, attracting or repell