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The Magnetic Force of Self-Image!

Welcome Back!

How you see yourself in your own eyes determines what you get out of life. Self-image is your own conception of yourself. It is the mental and emotional picture you hold in your own consciousness of who you are and what you represent.

Self-image determines your capacity to give, receive and interact with life, experiences and possibilities that come before you.

Your self-image is important because it is the starting point of your life experiences. The image you hold of yourself is like a precious vase into which all your life experiences are poured and blended.

If your self-image is a small, limited conception of yourself, based on ignorance, fear, doubt and insecurity, then all your experiences will be filtered through these same negative emotions.

While, if your self-image is based in knowledge, love, courage, respect, faith and confidence, your life experiences will be filtered through these same positive emotions.

Your self-image is like a magnet, attracting or repelling, like or unlike qualities in your life experience. Your self image will lead you to the top of the stairway or put you on an escalator to the basement.

Ultimately, you attract thoughts, people, and experiences which are congruent with how you think and feel about yourself. If you want to attract good health, wealth and happiness; you must develop a self-image that is compatible with these very thoughts, namely good health, wealth and happiness!

Thought of the day:

“A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.”


The aim of the blog is to spread positivity and happiness. So, if you enjoyed the post, don’t forget it to share it with your family and friends. It would mean the world to me.

See you in the subsequent post!


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