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What is motivation? Motivation is a process that accounts for an individual’s
Direction, and
Persistence of Efforts
towards attaining a goal, an objective. It is a passion that arises from within and makes you persistently and intensely travel in the right direction till you reach your destination.
To motivate yourself, you need:
Strength of desire for a particular outcome
Strength of belief that you have the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and talent to complete a given task successfully
Strength of belief that you will get the reward you desire when the task is completed.
This model of motivation thus could be represented as:
Strength of desire * Strength of belief in your competence * Guarantee of the reward you desire = Motivation
Mark the multiplication signs. They indicate that the motivation will be zero, if any of the three is zero.
The most vital ingredient in this three step formula is 'strength in belief in your competence'.
To have a strong belief, you will have to move and keep on learning new things.
As a unique entity living in a society, you would have your needs, wants and desires. To satisfy these, you must move.
After all, the word 'motivation' is derived from Latin word 'movere' which literally means to move.
Thought of The Day:
“Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.“
The aim of the blog is to spread positivity and happiness. So, if you enjoyed the post, don’t forget it to share it with your family and friends. It would mean the world to me.
See you in the subsequent post!
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