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Lessons from the ants

Welcome Back! We forget sometimes that the biggest lessons in our life come from the smallest folks around us. In this post, I will discuss the well known “Ants Philosophy“. There are 4 lessons from the “Ants Philosophy“. I will be  discussing  each one of them in detail. The 4 lessons are: Ants never quit: Have you ever noticed how ants always look for a way around an obstacle? Put your finger in an ant’s path and it will try to go around it, or over it. It will keep looking for a way out even it is surrounded by all sides. It won’t just stand there and stare. It just keeps trying to get through the obstacle. We should learn to be like them. Your life will be full of obstacles. Keep trying, keep looking for alternative routes to get to your goals. Ants think winter all summer : Do you remember the old story of the ant and the grasshopper? In the middle of the summer, the ant was busy gathering food for the winter ahead while the grasshopper was out having a good time. Basically, they

The power of thinking

Welcome Back! It is important to know that there is a relationship between your thinking and the way you feel. It’s important to realise that you are constantly thinking. Thinking is like knowing that you are breathing, but you simply forget about it until you read this sentence. Thinking works the same way. Because you’re always doing it, it’s easy to forget that it is happening, and it becomes invisible to you.  Now, let me tell you an interesting fact about thinking - In order to experience a feeling; you must first have a thought that produces that feeling. Now, try getting angry without first having angry thoughts! Okay, now try feeling stressed out without first having stressful thoughts - or jealous without thoughts of jealousy. You can’t do it. It's impossible. Unhappiness doesn’t and can’t exist on its own. Unhappiness is the feeling that accompanies negative thinking about your life. In the absence of that thinking, unhappiness, stress, jealousy, anger, & self-doubt

The power of Words!

Welcome Back! Words have both the explosive power of the nuclear bomb and the soothing effect of classical music. They can start a war or usher peace. How others react towards us depends, in a large measure, upon the words we speak to them. Words are like echoes. We get back the echoes of the words we sent out! Words and ideas are so closely related to each other that it is almost impossible for us to conceive of thinking without the mental employment of words . Because of this, it becomes very important that we choose the best possible words , not merely as a matter of expression, but also as a means of thinking intelligently. Before one is able to make a choice of effective words, and to learn to employ them to the best advantage, he must first have a sufficient number of words at his disposal (having an adequate vocabulary). A person with higher vocabulary of effective words than the others will be able to express himself more clearly and effectively. You need to increase your voc

Facing your fears

Welcome Back! Fear can be a hindrance in your success.  If allowed to take control of your life, it will be a permanent detour on your journey of success, stopping us from making any progress. Fear breeds Inaction…Inaction leads to inexperience…Inexperience leads to inability…and Inability destroys your path to success. People try to deal with fear in different ways. Some people try to avoid it altogether. But this is neither practical nor productive. The most effective way is to deal with your fear. Stay strong and overcome. This is the only method that works. Most of the fears that we face every day are not based on facts. They are generated by our feelings .  Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Do the thing that you are afraid to, and the death of fear is certain". This is the key to overcome your fears.  Also, try this technique for overcoming fear, it can work wonders for you: If you are afraid of swimming, begin now to sit still for 5 or 10 minutes three or four times a day

Discuss ideas, not people

Welcome Back! The most uncivilised activity of this highly civilised world is gossiping. Even the richest and educated people indulge in this uncivilised activity. It is both ruthless and worthless entertainment. In gossip, the tongue and intelligence let loose. We shamelessly distort the image of people through the means of gossip, without the slightest care about how much it might affect their lives. Never, ever trust a gossiper. After you leave, the one who was gossiping with you will gossip about you with others. The chain goes on and on and on. This is the universal truth. Curiosity and inquisitiveness are lifelines of human evolution. Gossip is judgement passed without knowledge. We make a blunder by feeding this thirst and hunger for knowledge with gossip. Judge not, and you shall not be judged. The contrary is also true. Judge, and you too will be judged. Every gossiper eventually drinks his own poison. Everything comes back. So what to do? The next time the surrounding gang

Being graceful in difficult times

Welcome Back! Some of the happiest people on Earth aren’t always happy. In fact, they all have had their fair share of low moods, problems and disappointments. Often the difference between a person who is happy and someone who is unhappy isn’t how often do they get low, or even how low they drop, but it’s what they do with their low moods and how they relate their feelings. Most people have it backward. When they are feeling down/low, they get themselves busy in their work. They analyze their low moods, which makes the problem more compound and hard to solve. When you observe peaceful, relaxed people, you find that when they are feeling good; they are very grateful. They understand that both positive and negative feelings come and go , and that there will come a time when they won’t be feeling so good. To happy people, this is okay; it’s the way of things. They accept the inevitability of passing feelings . So, when they feel angry or depressed, they relate these feelings with wisdom

Becoming a better listener

  Welcome Back! Effective listening is more than is avoiding the nasty habit of interrupting others while they are speaking or finishing their sentences. It’s being content to listen to the entire thought of somebody instead of waiting impatiently for your chance to respond. In some ways, the way we fail to pay attention/listen is symbolic of the way we live. It’s almost our goal to start speaking after the other person stops speaking. When you become a better listener and slow down your responses, you become a more peaceful person from inside. You will be relieved from the pressure of speaking as soon as the other person stops to speak. In a conversation, you’ll notice that it is very hard and stressful to keep thinking what the person in front of you will be going to say when you fire back your response. But if you wait for the other person to finish and simply listen to what the person is saying and concentrate on it, you will feel more relaxed and so will the people you are in a c