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This is the 2nd and the last part of the marvellous “Rules For Life” series. Be sure to check the first part out.
Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient) :
You will face hard times in your life. But, do not get depressed and enjoy it while you can.
With over 7 billion people in the world, it is hard to be valuable and stand out; but the way you stand out and be valuable is by pursuing something that is meaningful. Something that can help you and the others.
Meaningful work is what we do for our vision and purpose and is one of the most satisfying thing we could do with our time.
Assume that the person you are listening to might something you don't:
A listening person can reflect a crowd. He can do that without talking. He can do that because he listens properly.
You already know what you know, after all-and unless your life is perfect, what you know is not enough.
If you listen without premature judgement, people will generally tell you everything that they are thinking - and with very little deceit.
People will tell you the most amazing, absurd and interesting things. Very few of your conversations will be boring.
Tell the truth-or, at least, don't lie:
If you cannot reveal yourself to the others, you cannot reveal yourself to yourself.
However, if you live in accordance to the truth, you will continue to become more mature and responsible in both small and large ways.
You will become even wiser in the formulation of your goals when you discover and rectify your inevitable errors by staying close to the truth.
Now, let me tell you a fact - If you pay attention to what you do and say, you can learn to feel a state of internal division and weakness when you are misbehaving and misspeaking. It is a sensation, not a thought.
Thought of the Day:
“When you are able to shift your inner awareness to how you can serve others, and when you make this the central focus of your life, you will then be in a position to know true miracles in your progress toward prosperity.”
This series is based on Jordan B Peterson's book: "12 Rules For Life".
The aim of the blog is to spread positivity and happiness. So, if you enjoyed the post, don’t forget it to share it with your family and friends. It would mean the world to me.
See you in the next post!
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